Tuesday 28 June 2016

10 Amazing Things About Camp

I mentioned two weeks ago that I went to a camp and it was amazing. Anyway I thought I'd tell you just why it was amazing and what exactly I got out of it.

  1. I got to spend time with great people

  2. I don't really get out a lot, so seeing people is always good. And these weren't just any people, they were fun, encouraging people. About half were people I'd met before, but not seen for a long time. And despite it being a small camp we had people from all over the world.

  3. I got to observe people interacting

  4. This one's a writer thing. Watching real people inspires characters sometimes. I'm not necessarily directly basing any characters off real people, but I pick up little things that I use. And I get to observe more than I would with random strangers, but the people are still new to me so I notice things.

  5. My room-mate was a writer

  6. Of all the people I could have been put with I was with the lovely Jess of Jessie Grace blogs. I think God's hand was in it because I do have a bad tendency to judge by appearances and I might not have really talked to her if this hadn't happened. Since I have been wondering a little if I am even supposed to be a writer this encouraged me a lot. What other reason would God have for sticking me with a fellow writer?

  7. The teaching was amazing

  8. We had a whole lot of good solid Bible teaching. Sometime I get caught up in studying complex controversial things. This wasn't that. It was about how we live in Christ, and came straight from 2 Timothy. We were encouraged to get up early and read our bibles and given tips on how to make it more worthwhile. I felt as if I got my focus and enthusiasm back.

  9. I was inspired to be adventurous and trust God

  10. Though it wasn't actually the main focus of the camp the thing that hit me hardest was the fact that we need to and can fully trust God in anything. There was a hypothetical question that we had as an icebreaker: If you had unlimited money, where would you go and what would you do? One person gave the answer that God doesn't have limits and if he wants us to do something he will supply the means. That along with other things about trusting God had made me want to do more than just sitting at home writing. But it has also made me realize that I don't need to worry about doing enough. I do intend to do some new things, which will in turn give me more life experience to draw on in my writing.

  11. The weather and scenery were amazing

  12. It's the beginning of winter in Australia, but it wasn't quite too cold. Also though it almost rained one day it never quite did. And just look at the view we had: beautiful mountains and a bright blue sky.

  13. There was some dancing

  14. I had wanted to write a scene with dancing in Girl of the rumours, but despite watching many videos of renaissance dances I really didn't feel up to the task. Then we had some dancing at camp and I got it written. Besides it was fun despite the fact I mostly watched.

  15. There were enough people to play games requiring large groups

  16. We played a bunch of different games, mostly indoors, but we also had a soccer game. I'm not a huge sport person, but I do enjoy joining in a game of soccer. (despite the fact I'm not very good and stay in deep defence) I hadn't gotten to play any since this same camp the year before. And this time I was on the winning side. Also I won a game of Cluedo.

  17. I came home with more energy than I went

  18. I had fully expected to be exhausted after camp since that's what happened last year. But I wasn't. I felt invigorated. Maybe I didn't stay up so late as last time or maybe I'm in better health. Or perhaps 'the joy of the Lord was my strength'. Anyway I wasn't tired out and that's a good thing.

  19. I finally shared Samara's Peril with my brother

  20. I made him wait and actually managed to keep from spoiling it for him. But I decided the wait had been long enough. While I drove he borrowed my phone and read. When my other brother drove, I read aloud. Sharing books is fun.

Speaking of camps, I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo again. This time with a goal of 25,000, my biggest yet. But I realized recently that writing really shouldn't take up that much time. I can sometimes write 300 words in 15 minutes. That mean my total writing time per day only needs to be an hour for my goal.

Who else is doing Camp NaNo? Does anyone need a cabin to join? If so tell me and I'll get you an invite.


  1. Thanks for asking! I was trying to think of a good way to ask without seeming pushy.
    You may remember me from Ravelry --- NolieAlcarturiel? I also stalk Kingdom Pen, though I'm not a member. As it happens I am doing Camp, and I am looking for a cabin. If you still have room I would be very grateful!

    1. Yes I know you. I'll send a message though Ravelry.


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