Tuesday, 29 March 2016

I'm going to Camp NaNo

Next month I'm doing camp NaNoWriMo. If you don't know what that is you can visit the website: campnanowrimo.org, or read my explanation.
NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month (though I think it should be international). In the month of November people all over the world try to write a 50,000 word first draft. I have never done it. In the months of April and July there are smaller writing challenges where you set you own goal and these are called camps. if you wish you may be part of a small group of writers called a cabin that provide each other with accountability and encouragement.

I kicked off my first book by doing Camp NaNo July last year.My target word count was 18,000 and my final word count was 20,139. This time I'm aiming for 21,000 words, which is an average of 700 words per day.

Because of this I will be posting sporadically if at all next month. I'll mostly likely put update on Facebook and Google+ every so often though and I'll certainly tell you all about how I went at the end. If you like you can check on my progress here.

Aunt Valentina
I'm still working on my preparation for writing. The plot is thickening though, character connection and motivations are emerging and sometimes I feel like this story is going to be great. Yesterday I discovered that there has been a 5 year feud between tow of the realms and that Selvarrans are rather superstitious. Also Aunt Valentina is someone-else's aunt as well. 

I don't think I've introduced Aunt Valentina yet. She is Natalia's uncles wife and one of those wealthy, overbearing, middle aged women, who seems to grumble about everything. Not that I've ever known of any people of that sort who weren't fictional.

I hope you all have a lovely month, while I'm gone. Are any of you doing Camp NaNo?


  1. Me! Super excited! My book is on superheroes...xD

    1. Cool. Is it a new book ro one you've been working on before?

  2. Yay for Nano!! (I'm doing it too but kind of unofficially because I usually finish fast. :P) And oh oh taking a blogging break is a good idea! I AM TOO. I tend to find trying to balance writing AND blogging is far too overwhelming and one or the other ends up being subpar. Best of luck with your thickening plot and getting to your goal. *sends you chocolate* YOU GOT THIS.

  3. I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo as well! I'm trying for 20K in a dark steampunk Rapunzel retelling, which I'm pretty excited for.
    Out of curiosity, do you have a cabin yet?

  4. I'm going to Camp Nano . I think my word count goal will be 15,000 since this is my first time and April is a busy month for me. Congratulations on finding out so much about your book and good luck with your goal :)


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