So Cait @ Paper Fury has a character award book tag and I thought I'd try to do it despite being bad at remembering half of what I've read.
1. Most Relatable Character
Renna Faythe in Dare and Deny by Tricia Mingerink. In fact most quiet caring characters who get stuck in dangerous situations. The ones that start falling for 'the guy who thinks he isn't worthy' without realizing it. Kyrin Altair also fits this.
2. Most Pure and Precious Animal Companion
I wouldn't call her pure and precious, but I'm going with Punzel from Song of the Sword by Hope Ann. She's a fen-hopper, which is a winged cat that lives in the Shadowfen. She's a bit feisty and prefers the name of Shadow-wing. Anyway she does a good job of keeping Roinette company.
In the same book, the hero Evrard has a Messenger Falcon for a side kick. So two animal companions for the price of one.
3. Fiercest Fighter
Trap Merodach from The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock. He might not be the fiercest, but he's certainly skilled.
4. Most Amazing Sidekick
Solomon Hawke in A Time to Speak by Nadine Brades. Or Shad Alistaar in Deny. Or the other person I'll remember tomorrow.
5. One You're Surprised You Loved (Book or Character???)
A Star Curiously Singing by Kerry Neitz. I don't read Sci-Fi. But I liked this. The main character Sandfly and the world were so far removed from what I know, that it was a little hard to get into, but once I did, it was fascinating. A~A2
6. Best Sassmaster
Knife, from Knife by R. J Andersen.
7. Best Anti-Hero
I'm not sure if he's technically an anti-hero but Rain Walker from Black Tiger by Sara Baysinger. I'm not quite sure what I think of him. At first he appears a total jerk and then he starts acting nicer, and just as I start o think he might be a good person he does something dreadful again. I like characters that jerk my emotions around like that.
I'm not sure if he's technically an anti-hero but Rain Walker from Black Tiger by Sara Baysinger. I'm not quite sure what I think of him. At first he appears a total jerk and then he starts acting nicer, and just as I start o think he might be a good person he does something dreadful again. I like characters that jerk my emotions around like that.
8. Best Worst Villain to Hate
Pathetic villains usually mean pathetic heroes, which means forgettable books. That said there's a villain who isn't even worth hating in Safety Assured Leaving East of Medicetti by Trish Mercer. At one point I hoped he'd be redeemed, but he just got worse. He's miserable and has a terribly skewed worldview.
9. Truly Astounding Worst Ya Parents
I don't really read much YA and can't think of any.
10. Truly Astounding Best Ya Parents
Parvin's parents in a Time to Speak.
11. Toot Toot Best Ship of Them All
Best? There is no single best. But Amber and Granite in Lady Dragon, Tela Du by Kendra E. Ardnek. This is a very sad ship, because Amber has been the evil Lady Dragon for 3,000 years while Granite stayed good. He loves her, but hates what she does, and she pushed him away and won't listen to his advice. And they were so happy for the first 3,000 years. #Amberite (I almost choose the other main couple of this book #Reutra)
12. The Most in Need of Protection
9. Truly Astounding Worst Ya Parents
I don't really read much YA and can't think of any.
10. Truly Astounding Best Ya Parents
Parvin's parents in a Time to Speak.
11. Toot Toot Best Ship of Them All
Best? There is no single best. But Amber and Granite in Lady Dragon, Tela Du by Kendra E. Ardnek. This is a very sad ship, because Amber has been the evil Lady Dragon for 3,000 years while Granite stayed good. He loves her, but hates what she does, and she pushed him away and won't listen to his advice. And they were so happy for the first 3,000 years. #Amberite (I almost choose the other main couple of this book #Reutra)
12. The Most in Need of Protection
Temperance, or Marie from the Virtues and Valor Series by Hallee Bridgeman. She gets tortured by Nazi's and almost dies of pneumonia. Also the series is fascinating. Eight overlapping novellas, each telling the story of a different person. And since they all go by code names and don't give personal details out, there's a lot to guess at through the books.
13. Most Boring As a Barnacle
Can't remember. I've come across a number of boring character, but they don't stick in my head. Why should they?
14. Best Little Royal
Not sure what this is supposed to mean, but Princess Lily in The Firethorn Crown by Lea Doue. A wonderful princess who does take her responsibilities seriously. And with 11 younger sisters there's a lot going on.
13. Most Boring As a Barnacle
Can't remember. I've come across a number of boring character, but they don't stick in my head. Why should they?
14. Best Little Royal
Not sure what this is supposed to mean, but Princess Lily in The Firethorn Crown by Lea Doue. A wonderful princess who does take her responsibilities seriously. And with 11 younger sisters there's a lot going on.
15. Very Surprised You're Still Alive
Aislyn from the 27th Protector series by Laura Campbell. This girl has many narrow escapes. Not that I actually thought she would die, but it's a miracle she hasn't. A very dangerous miracle in fact. A traitor. That's why she one of the few 27th protectors who's beaten the odds and lived.
16. Best at Horrible Decision Making (makes bad decisions)
Vrell in From Darkness Won by Jill Williamson. And Achan.
17. Cutest Dork
Reuben Eaglechaser of Lady Dragon, Tela Du. He's the guy who alway checked in his wardrobe for Narnia, thinks he knows exactly what's going on when he ends up in a fantasy world, and rarely takes anything seriously. And the way he loves Petra is kind of dorky.
18. Cleverest Little Hellion
Eva from The 27th Protector series. And several other characters. They need to be clever. But Eva is younger, so 'little' fits her.
19. Most in Need of A Nap
I'm too tired to think of an answer.
20. Want to Read More About You
Most of the people I've just mentioned. Lady Firebird in Firebird by Kathy Tyers.
And that is that. I hope you all have a merry Christmas. God bless you.