Wednesday 14 December 2016

6 Non-Writing Things I did in November

Hello friends, This is going to be a short post because I've been busy lately and I'm out of practice. Besides you would all rather I wrote my stories than my blog posts anyway, right?

1. Work

Yes, boring and not even something that takes a lot of time, but I did make sure it happens. That's actually why I finished NaNo early. The last day of the month, or in this case the last two days are the busiest for me work wise.

2. Scripture in Schools

This is the reason two days at the end of the month were busy. On the 30th I helped with Christian Education in schools for the first time ever. It's a great thing to do. These kids have so many questions about God and the Bible and a surprising number of answers too. Here's an example of what kind of conversations I've been in:

Boy 1: How do you draw God?Me: God is really too big and complex to draw, etc.
Boy 1: Is he really that big?
Boy 2: Yes. He made the whole world in seven days.
Boy 1: Okay, that's big.
3. Sewing

This was only when I needed a break from writing but I started sewing a dress. finished it on the 2nd of December.

4. Baking

Mostly bread as usual. We did have to buy a few loaves, but that was mostly lack of planning, not lack of time. Sourdough takes time. And I helped with the shopping several times, another normal activity.

5. Building and Garden

I don't remember any details, but I certainly did some. We're renovating our bathrooms at the moment, so there's plenty to do. (and when they're done that'll be the end of about 13 years of renovations. Which means we can work on the roof, the carport and the extension.)

6. Celebrations

These are weekend things, so probably didn't have a lot of impact on my writing time, but they did happen, A dear friend got married and one of my brothers had a birthday. Just simple things. Except that the wedding was outdoors and I didn't use sunscreen.

And now I'll go onto talking about this month. I'm still working on Lady of Courage, doing a bit of outlining to figure out what else needs to be written. I also did another exciting thing I won't get to mention elsewhere. Another brother had a birthday and we went on an overnight hiking trip. Exhausting, but doable. I enjoy physically challenging myself occasionally and it was fun.

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